Lying low iN Oslo

so we quickly figured that there wasn't much to the city of Oslo (for us)besides the regular old and new buildings, the big brand stores,the usual cathedrals and the city square..
But yes, therz more to the city and thats the marka (woods) sorrounding it :), so we've decided to do just that i.e. get into the woods for a few days...After talkin to a few local dudes, we have shortlisted a super beautiful place/lake called lutvaan to set up base and then do as many day hikes as we like from there...So prep for this began yesterday after chilling and layin low a few days at this beautiful PAID ekeberg camping site. We visited the city center just like the regualr tourists yesterday,However, the purpose was dual, ofcourse to see/walk the city AND visit DMT (not the for more info on Marka i.e. Lutvaan and how to stay safe i.e. plant n animal hazards,drinking water source, trail marking system, emergency ctc no,maps. etc etc :)...dmt stands for norwegian trekking association(very helpful)..
we also figured the super organised transit system of the city and the route to get there from our current base...Here the transit is quite expensive ,however, booking tickets on an app or buying em from a food kiosk is cheaper,so we did that as well...
Since we were in town, we also treated ourselves with macdonalds:the only affordable place for a meal if u aint cooking...and then there was the visit to the cash machine, the grocery store rema1000(most economical)...
Before we get into the woods today, we also figured the closest market to the last metro stop nearest to the lake,so shopping can be easy access ,for stocking groceries...for drinkin water we have a filter and a solar panel for charging electronics..
Since we are here now, we thought we might as well take a paid warm shower and do some washing..turns out to be a nice sunny day today for drying our gear :)
Soon begins the next phaze of our stay in Oslo.. :)

p.s Oslo city vibe felt quite stressfull, buzy and fast paced for us..people are buzy here(but still helping)...


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